How Do Most Motorcycle Accidents Happen in Virginia?

Jul 5, 2024
McDonald Injury Law

In 2022, over 2,000 motorcycle crashes occurred in Virginia, accounting for only 1.7% of all traffic collisions but over 10% of serious traffic injuries. If you’re a rider, you should be extra careful on the roads and avoid the motorcycle collision causes we mention below.

How do most motorcycle accidents happen? Careless and distracted drivers, driver fatigue, and speeding are all common motorcycle crash factors. 

How Motorcycle Accidents Usually Happen: Five Common Reasons

The factors contributing to motorcycle collisions are many and diverse. However, motorcycle crash patterns often have one thing in common: distraction. It would be possible to avoid many motorbike accidents if motorists were more attentive and followed traffic rules to a T.

1. Risky Left Turns

Dangerous left turns are one of the main reasons for motorcycle accidents. Such collisions often occur when a motorbike rider attempts to turn left at an intersection and collides head-on with a car moving from the opposite direction. 

In this scenario, the driver either fails to see the motorcycle or miscalculates the distance from the motorcycle and its speed. Riders should practice extreme caution when turning left at an intersection and always give right of way to oncoming vehicles.

2. Blind Spots While Switching Lanes

Blind spots are among the top causes of motorcycle accidents. Many drivers collide with a motorbike simply because they don’t know it’s there.

Often, a driver switches lanes while unaware of the motorbike in one of their blind spots. What happens next is typically either a side collision or a sharp swerve by the rider, which could make the latter lose control of the bike. To protect yourself, ride extra carefully next to vehicles with large blind spots, like semi-trucks, pickups, and SUVs.

3. Lane Splitting

When traffic moves slowly, moving between lanes and bypassing stuck cars can be tempting. However, lane splitting in Virginia is illegal and highly dangerous.

Drivers won’t expect a motorbike in their lane, so a collision is almost inevitable. Moreover, seeking compensation after such an accident may be more difficult since the investigation will likely conclude you were at fault.

4. Speeding

When asking, “How do most motorcycle accidents happen?” riding too fast is one common answer. Many bikers love an exciting, fast ride, but motorcycle injuries and deaths are often speed-related. Riding extra fast makes it hard to stop in time when another vehicle or an unexpected obstacle appears in your path.

To keep safe, ride within the legal speed limit and ensure your speed matches road conditions. Slow down on a busy road, before sharp turns, and when visibility is poor. 

5. Alcohol and Drugs

You probably know that operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs is illegal, irresponsible, and dangerous. Alcohol and controlled substances impair a motorist’s ability to drive or ride safely.

However, even if you never drink and drive yourself, you have no control over what others do. Pay attention to other road users and keep your distance from drivers who seem in poor control of their vehicles.

Geoff McDonald & Associates: Skilled Representation for Virginia Riders and Their Families 

The next common question after “How do most motorcycle accidents happen?” is “Do I need a lawyer to file a claim?” 

If your accident caused a serious injury and major expenses, you need a skilled attorney to help you navigate an insurance claim or a personal injury lawsuit. Contact us at Geoff McDonald & Associates and let our hardworking legal team fight for your rights.

Call (804) 203-0581 or complete our quick online form for a free consultation.