What Should a Construction Accident Lawyer in Richmond, VA, Know?

Dec 17, 2024
McDonald Injury Law

If you were involved in a construction site accident, you may be considering your legal options. Before hiring a construction accident attorney, you must evaluate their credentials carefully to ensure that you’re gaining proper representation. So, what should a construction accident lawyer in Richmond, VA, know to represent your case correctly?

Areas of Construction Accident Law Your Lawyer Should Be Well-Versed In

Construction accidents can involve numerous parties, including major employers, equipment manufacturers, property owners, and more. Such complex cases require ample knowledge and experience in numerous legal areas. A construction accident lawyer in Richmond, VA, should be well-versed in the following topics:

  • Richmond construction site regulations: Your attorney must understand rules, provisions, and regulations regarding construction sites to understand dangerous conditions and negligent actions.
  • OSHA compliance and violations: Construction site lawyers should understand the intricacies of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, which covers workplace safety requirements for employers. 
  • Virginia negligence laws: Attorneys cannot prove liability in construction accidents without in-depth knowledge of Virginia negligence laws. 
  • Virginia worker’s compensation laws: Construction accidents typically involve worker’s compensation claims, so your attorney must know how to navigate claim requirements and negotiations with insurers. 
  • Personal injury laws: Personal injury laws cover everything from the types of compensation you can claim to the statute of limitation on cases. Your attorney should understand all the ins and outs of personal injury claims. 
  • Product liability laws: Construction accidents can occur from product malfunctions, so your attorney should be well-versed in product liability litigation. 

What Should a Richmond Construction Accident Lawyer Do?

Now that you know the answer to “What should a construction accident lawyer in Richmond, VA, know?”, let’s talk about how what your legal team should do:

  1. Evaluate your case
  2. Answer your questions
  3. Investigate case details
  4. Present you with options
  5. Negotiate settlements
  6. Fight for your compensation in court when necessary

If the legal advisor is not willing to dig up evidence, escalate the case beyond negotiations, or anything else listed above, they may not be the right fit for your needs. 

Questions To Ask a Construction Accident Lawyer in Richmond, VA, Before Hiring Them

Evaluating the proficiency of a construction accident attorney before hiring them isn’t always easy. You can often evaluate their experience while easing some of your own anxieties regarding the process by asking some of the following questions:

  1. How will an OSHA inspection affect my case?
  2. If I file a worker’s comp claim, can I still file a lawsuit against my employer?
  3. Can multiple parties be at fault for my injury?
  4. What types of compensation can I seek for my accident?
  5. Can I still seek compensation, even if I’m partially liable?
  6. Will the construction accident claim affect my union membership?
  7. How will you determine liability and prove negligence for my construction site accident?

Meet With Experienced Construction Accident Attorneys in Richmond, VA, Today 

Now that you understand the answer to “What should a construction accident lawyer in Richmond, VA, know?” you can hire a well-equipped legal advisor for your case. At Geoff McDonald & Associates, we have over 25 years of experience securing over $400 million in compensation for victims. Request a free consultation today by calling 804-888-8888 or filling out our form.

Construction Accident FAQs

What Causes Construction Accidents in Virginia?

Construction accidents can be caused by many factors, including dangerous site conditions, equipment malfunctions, and more. 

How Long Do You Have To File a Construction Accident Claim in Virginia?

You have two years to file a construction accident claim in Virginia unless your case qualifies as an extenuating circumstance. This is an example of what a construction accident lawyer in Richmond, VA, should know.