When Should You Contact a Birth Injury Lawyer in Richmond, VA?
A birth injury can be a traumatic, devastating experience for your entire family. Moving forward, you may face long-term medical expenses and dramatic life changes that you’re not prepared to handle.
While injuries can happen during many complicated births, negligence can also cause unnecessary accidents. So, when should you contact a birth injury lawyer in Richmond, VA?
Common Types of Birth Injuries
To determine whether you should seek legal action, you first must understand what a birth injury is and the common signs of birth trauma. Birth injuries refer to any injuries inflicted on a child from the birthing process. Common birth injuries include the following:
- Brain damage
- Cerebral palsy
- Erb’s palsy
- Brachial plexus injuries
- Nerve damage to the face
Signs of birth injuries can include difficulty breathing, feeding problems, seizures, excessive swelling or bruising on the head, excessive crying, muscle looseness or stiffness, lethargy, hearing problems, and more.
Negligent Actions That Can Cause Birth Injuries
Birth injuries may occur from pregnancy complications like improper nutrition, breech positions, or cord compressions. In other cases, though, medical professionals may make missteps during the process that place the baby or the mother at risk of injury. Examples of negligent actions that could cause birth injuries include the following:
- Medication errors
- Improper use of vacuum extractors
- Improper use of forceps
- Failure to properly monitor the fetus
- Failure to recognize signs of fetal distress
- Failure to perform necessary medical actions, such as a C-section
When To Contact a Birth Injury Lawyer in Richmond, VA
So, when should you contact a birth injury lawyer in Richmond, VA? You should seek advice from a newborn injury attorney as soon as possible, as birth injury cases follow the same policies as medical negligence claims. The statute of limitations in birth injury cases is only two years (except for in extenuating circumstances), so you have limited time to file your case.
An experienced attorney can help you gather evidence, submit your claim, and seek maximum compensation for your losses. If any of the following situations sound familiar, you should schedule a birth injury legal consultation:
- You don’t know if you have the grounds for a case.
- You suspect your baby was injured from negligent actions and would like more information.
- You need help negotiating an active settlement process.
What Types of Damages Can You Seek for Medical Malpractice Claims Involving Birth Injuries?
In Richmond medical malpractice cases involving birth injuries, you can seek compensation for the following:
- Medical expenses
- Ongoing care costs
- Assisted living requirements
- Loss of income or ability to work
- Disability or shortened life expectancy diagnoses
- Pain and suffering
Schedule a Free Consultation Today
Now that you know the answer to “When should you contact a birth injury lawyer in Richmond, VA?” you understand that you shouldn’t wait to take action. Call Geoff McDonald & Associates at 804-888-8888 or fill out our form to request a free consultation with our experienced team.
Birth Injury FAQs
Can You Create a Birth Injury Claim for Injuries Inflicted on the Mother?
Yes, birth injury claims can also cover injuries inflicted on the mother during childbirth. Depending on the details of your case, you may need to file separate claims for each victim.
When should you contact a birth injury lawyer in Richmond, VA, for personal injuries? You should call as soon as possible.
Why Should You Contact a Birth Injury Lawyer in Richmond, VA?
You should contact a birth injury lawyer in Richmond, VA, to seek compensation for the financial losses you incurred from the accident. While legal action cannot undo your suffering, an attorney has the knowledge, tools, and experience to help you fight for your rights in court so you can afford the medical care your baby needs.