You have a right to pursue an insurance claim or lawsuit against a third party when they cause a workplace accident. If the accident is not due to your work specifically and your employer is not the reason for the accident,...
Dec 7, 2021
If I Get Injured at Work and It Is My Fault, Can I Still Get Workers Compensation in Virginia?
According to 18th-century poet Alexander Pope, “to err is human.” As humans, no one is perfect, and mistakes happen. This is true no matter what the circumstances, and in the workplace, mistakes can be costly. ...
Dec 6, 2021
If I Am Injured at Work and Go on Light Duty, but Get Fired, Can I Still Get Workers Compensation?
While you are out of work recovering from your injury, you’ll likely be receiving workers’ compensation benefits to cover your salary and medical expenses. This safety net can give you peace of mind and financial...
Your doctor’s role in a workers’ compensation claim is critical. As you get treatment for your injuries, it will be the doctor’s opinion that has the most weight in determining your overall benefits package.
Dec 2, 2021
If I Am Injured at Work in Virginia and My Employer Offers Me Light Duty, Do I Have to Take It?
As you begin to heal after a workplace injury, your employer may request that you return to work on “light duty.” Though you may be eager to get back to work, you might also have concerns about whether you’re