What Should You Never Do After an Accident With a Big Truck?

Jul 20, 2023
McDonald Injury Law

Accident with a big truck

Tractor-trailer accidents can be devastating, creating extensive damage and injuries within seconds. As a victim of one of these large-scale accidents, you may not know what to do in the immediate aftermath. Unfortunately, one wrong move can compromise your accident case, preventing you from seeking compensation. 

Calling a Virginia truck accident attorney should be one of the first things you do after the accident, but there are a few steps to avoid, too. 

Don’t Leave the Scene

In the confusion of the accident’s aftermath, you may want to walk away, have a friend pick you up, or otherwise leave the scene. Accident scenes can be chaotic and overwhelming, but the last thing you should do is walk away. 

Leaving the scene may prevent you from filing an insurance claim with the at-fault driver later. You won’t have their contact information or other proof that they caused the accident. In a sense, leaving the scene is as good as saying that you don’t need any compensation. 

Instead, you should move out of harm’s way but remain at the scene until the police have finished creating their report. Be sure to exchange contact information with the other driver and take plenty of photos of the damage before leaving. 

Don’t Apologize 

Many victims of truck accidents instinctually say “I’m sorry” after an accident that wasn’t in any way their fault. Apologizing to the tractor-trailer driver may seem like a nice thing to do, but it could inadvertently show that you were responsible for the accident. 

Apologizing is comparable to admitting fault. Instead, keep the conversation to a minimum and allow your Virginia truck accident attorney to communicate with all parties on your behalf. 

Don’t Neglect Medical Attention

Shock can mean your body doesn’t feel any pain after your truck accident. You may initially feel fine and deny medical care. But doing so could hurt your truck accident case. 

First, you risk overlooking a truck accident injury that could require immediate medical attention. For many injuries, the longer you wait to seek treatment, the worse they will become. Seeking a comprehensive medical exam can ensure that medical providers treat your injuries as soon as possible to prevent them from worsening. 

Neglecting medical attention can also harm your accident case. Insurance companies look to medical records to understand the injuries and losses in truck accident claims to determine compensation amounts. If you did not seek medical attention until days or weeks after your accident, the insurer may assume that your injuries weren’t actually severe. 

Don’t Post on Social Media

It’s human nature in this digital age to want to post about car accidents on social media. You may want to update your friends and family members about your recovery or warn them about the dangerous roadway your accident took place on. But sharing any information about your accident on social media, even seemingly harmless updates, could hurt your claim for compensation. 

The truck driver’s defense team will review your social media for any details that could weaken your case. They may twist your words to make it look like you were admitting fault or that your injuries weren’t actually that bad. It’s better to stay off social media with any content related to the accident.

Geoff McDonald & Associates: Protecting Your Rights After a Truck Accident in Virginia

Knowing what to do and what to avoid after a truck accident can be challenging, especially if you have no legal experience. Instead, rely on the attorneys at Geoff McDonald & Associates to guide you. Call (804) 888-8888 today to schedule your consultation with a Virginia truck accident attorney.