
PCB Exposure Claims Lawyer

PCB Exposure Claims Lawyer

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a very serious type of blood cancer that attacks white blood cells in the body and frequently develops in the lymph nodes. There is strong scientific evidence that this type of cancer can be caused by workplace exposure to dangerous chemicals...

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Talcum Powder Cancer Risk: Historic Lawsuit

In a historic verdict, a St. Louis, Missouri court has ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay $72 million in damages in a lawsuit centered on its flagship Baby Powder product. Jacqueline Fox used the company’s Baby Powder and Shower to Shower products for feminine...

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Insurance Fraud Cases

Insurance Fraud Cases

Insurance fraud occurs when an insurance company commits a deliberate deception for illegitimate gain. It can happen at any point while buying, using, selling, or underwriting insurance. Insurance fraud is financially damaging to consumers, and it hurts the economy...

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Do You Know Your Virginia Snow Removal Laws?

Heavy snowfall is a rare occurrence in Virginia, but it does happen at least once every year or two. When the snow does pile up on streets and sidewalks, who is responsible for plowing or shoveling it away? Our guide to snow removal laws in different parts of Virginia...

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Airbag Failure Injury Lawyers

All of us here at Geoff McDonald & Associates believe in the importance of automotive safety equipment. Driver or passenger, front seat or back, always remember to wear your seatbelt. Make sure to properly install car seats and booster seats, and always strap...

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Dangerous Drones Continue to Cause Problems

When you leave your house in the morning, you probably aren’t worried about being injured by dangerous drones. However, that may change in the near future. Drone use for both recreation and business purposes is increasing dramatically. Consumer drone sales reached...

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A Virginian’s Guide to Driving in the Snow

We all know that winter in Virginia is not all that intimidating. Temperatures tend to stay pretty mild for the most part, and winter storms only happen once or twice a season. Once or twice is enough to get plenty of motorists in trouble trying to drive in snowy and...

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Self-Driving Cars News

We talked a bit about the new frontier of self-driving cars in a recent post, and the news on that front has not stopped rolling in. Self-driving cars may be years away from roaming freely on our roadways, but interest in the developing technologies is intense. We...

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