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Drunk Driving Survey Raises Hackles

A driver in Reading, Pa., has filed a lawsuit accusing the city, its police chief and a nonprofit research center of violating his constitutional rights after he was waved him off the road into a parking lot and asked about his drug and alcohol use. Surveyors working...

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Are You Risking Your Life in a Mini Car?

Small, fuel-efficient cars have grown in popularity during the past decade due to high gas prices and concerns over global warming. However, many new minicars seem to come with an unfortunate side effect: poor safety. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety...

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Marijuana-Related Traffic Deaths on the Rise

Fatal auto accidents related to marijuana use have tripled in 10 years, according to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. The trend is disturbing to traffic safety officials and others who are weighing the impact of laws that decriminalize pot or...

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